The kids and I had a really good week. Full of adventures, friends, and sunshine. The weather was beautiful, our attitudes were good, we were happy.
And last night I hoped and prayed that it would carry through the weekend. Because sometimes our weekends are harder than the weekdays {please, PLEASE tell me we're not alone} It's so wonderful to have Lucas home for the weekend, but something seems to happen with the kids, in a not so good way. Our schedules change a little, the kids know there are two parents home and present and seek out attention at ALL times. It's tiring. The past few weekends were good in their own right, but difficult at the same time.
So we needed a good Saturday. For all of us.

I think we got it.

Yoga time for me
One on one time for Lucas & Fynn at a nature reserve (topped off with ice cream)

Snuggles and naptime for me and Paige
A fantastic trip to the beach for all
Soaked kids and sand clad parents

The kids are being put to bed happy, with parents who were not anxiously awaiting bedtime. That is a blessing all in itself.
{and I have a request, if you could say a few extra prayers for my sweet friend Hyacynth and her family tonight, they would be much appreciated. Her father passed away this evening. It has been an emotional few weeks for them, and it breaks my heart to know that she and her family have suffered this loss. Thank you... }