I sat on the beach this afternoon with the surprising warmth of April raining down on me. Fynn raced towards the water, Paige engaged with baskets of sand toys, sand hugging my toes and my husband by my side.

I had one of those moments of clarity. Sometimes it's so obvious, you feel like you've been smacked in the head by a bucket full of frigid salt water.

This is what it's all about. This is my family. My babies, my husband, my life. There is nothing that can take that away from me. This is it. This matters. Being here, together, with smiles and laughter. It means more than parenting tactics and tantrums, more than battles over food and of wills, more than how many toys and the size of our home.

And they are changing by the second. The kids grow and learn, and my relationship with them changes on a daily basis. My husbands soul deepens and he changes with time, and our relationship changes as well. The only way to adapt to the constant change is to stay in the moment, to be present and mindful. Thankful.
{possibly thankful that a little girl is finally growing some hair on that beautiful head of hers... }

Happy Easter! I hope this weekend finds you all with at least a little of the sunshine we've been blessed with. Rejoice :)