Family Updates

Unwrapping Tuesday Morning

This morning we had plans.

To get up early, get ourselves and the kids ready, and go vote as a family. There's an election today in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and we have every intention of letting our voices be heard. We both feel strongly about our right to vote, and want to pass that on to our children. I personally still get giddy whenever I enter the polling booths. I love it. I love the sense of community, how empowering it feels to slide the ballot into the take-your-ballot machine {it was a long night... I can't think of the name... } In any case, I love to vote. And since I love my country, I vote whenever I can.

But this morning, we have a sick little girl who didn't sleep all that well. She tried to snuggle early morning hours away in between her mommy and daddy, though I don't think sleep was really involved from about 4:30 until maybe 5:30'ish. Fynn came running in to wake us shortly after 6, and Lucas quietly got out of bed and left me with the sleeping sniffly pink fleece clad girl cub.

When she's sick, she's softer than normal. Her cheeks take on this glow {yes, I'm aware it's the flush of fever... } and it's all I can do to hold myself back from rubbing my cheek to hers as she sleeps. To warm my cool cheeks. To feel her breath. To love on her like nothing else.

At 7:30 Lucas came in. Whispered that it was snowing. Asked if we should let her sleep. With me.

I nodded.

Half an hour later he came in to say he was leaving, and Paige woke up at the sound of her daddy's voice. Fynn came back in, climbed up in bed with me and my girl, and welcomed us to this snowy morning. Lucas kissed us all goodbye and headed out the door to perform his civic duty on his own today.

Mark my words, I will get out to vote today. If I'm feeling adventurous it will be this afternoon with the kids, possibly still in their jammies and dawning winter hats. But most likely it'll be this evening after Lucas comes home. I'll grab my coat and keys, kiss three sets of cheeks and head out myself.

This morning I took the cues. This morning was meant for smelling sweet toddler morning breath, for carefully sipping hot tea with a lap full of pj wearing kiddos, for gazing out at big fat snowflakes. This morning was meant for us, and we oblige and unwrap it carefully, savoring every last bit.


Please visit Emily at Chatting at the Sky for more Tuesday’s Unwrapped. You’ll find simple moments and simple mysteries unwrapped in everyday life. Enjoy!