Family Updates

Sleepy Saturday

Today I slept in. Until 9:45.
I'm not kidding.
I'm married to the most wonderful man who not only keeps the kids entertained for a full morning, but also deep cleans the living room carpets at the same time. Seriously. Love him.

Then I left in the early afternoon to have lattes with one of my best friends. My husband even encouraged me to leave early so I could have some quiet time. By myself. Again... love him.

So I did. I drove a few towns over, parked the car and walked through the brisk air to the locally owned coffee shop. My gingerbread mocha was perfect, and the chocolate chip cookie delish. I sat and listened to the next table over talk about how Hans Solo and Princess Leia have several children... smiled to myself and then dove into an essay by Anne Lamott. It was Red Cords. I brought the book for my friend to borrow, and flipped it open to read the quote:

"I'm sorry I was awful." I said "I don't know what's wrong with me sometimes. Everything gets to be too much and I can't breathe".

Oh Anne... you get me...

I can always pick up something that she's written and feel like she's in my head.

My friend came, and we sat and talked. About grown up things. We laughed about politics {what else can you do... } We cried a little about a few things. Then we laughed some more.

These moments, these grown up moments that sometimes make you feel like you're the one who is three years old asking "what are you saying??" these moments that seem so life altering and scary... need to be owned and embraced. All of them. Even the ones that seem as wild and crazy as the frigid January air.

But they can be tamed with chocolate chip cookies and gingerbread mochas. They can be taken on after the first good nights sleep in months. And on a good day, those scary January moments fade into warm snuggles with a toddler who holds onto a book instead of a dolly as she drifts off to sleep...

Jan 30, 2010 006

{sorry for the fuzziness of this photo... a mama can only do so much while being sneaky and trying not to wake the little one... }