Family Updates

Color me blue

This week I've taken a little break from this space. At first it was unintentional {and yes, only two days, but to me... that's a lot considering my ocd type nature when it comes to posting... } but then I realized it wasn't such a bad thing, and conciously decided not to post yesterday.

And frankly, I wasn't planning on posting today either. But then I saw that Beth's challenge for today was color. And I looked around and saw it. For maybe the first time in a few days. And it blew me away. How brilliant and bright things are in my own home, even when sometimes the days are dreary, snowfilled and even a bit tearful.

Color is what it's about. Bring it on, even if my color is a bit blue around the edges this week...

Jan 28, 2010 003
Jan 28, 2010 007
Jan 28, 2010 009
Jan 28, 2010 010


Check out Beth at I Should Be Folding Landry for more lovely captures. This weeks You Capture Challenge was color.
