... is now in a big girl bed.
She's not even a year and a half, and we converted her crib to a toddler bed. Call us crazy, but the thing is my kids hated their cribs. With a passion. They've always slept better in "real" beds. Fynn was the same exact way, in a double bed by the time he was 16 months old. I tried to hold off with Paige, but in an act of desperation I listened to my husband who said it's time. And I think he might have been right.
However, that doesn't make it any less sad to me that we're done with cribs. It's saying goodbye to one of the largest symbols of babyhood. Granted, we were (and still are) pretty big co-sleepers, so the cribs never got that much use, but they were always there.
She's getting so big so fast. Her personality is developing, and it's huge. She's funny, and sweet, and caring. She's daring, and gutsy, and fearless. You can tell by her walk, she's full of purpose. She's bigger than life. Too big to be stuck behind the bars of a baby's crib. Ready for the freedom of the toddler bed... yikes.