Family Updates

2008 Heart Walk!

On May 31st, Andrew and I will be walking in honor of our son, Tyler, at this year's Greater KC Heart Walk, teamed with others from our Congenital Heart Defects Families support group.

Everyone knows someone affected by a congenital heart defect, heart disease or stroke. For those we love, we felt it was our calling to involve ourselves in this cause. We have set a personal goal to raise funds for the American Heart Association and need your help to reach it. We are raising critical dollars for heart disease and stroke research and education.
You can help us reach our goal by making a donation online. Just click on the white Heart Walk logo found on the right hand side of this webpage and you will be taken directly to our personal donation page. Once there, you can make a secure online credit card donation.
The American Heart Association's online fundraising website has a minimum donation amount of $25.00. If you prefer to donate less or by check, you can do so by sending a check directly to us made payable to the American Heart Association. Don't hesitate to ask us questions, we'd be happy to answer them.

All donations are completely tax deductible and you will receive a donation receipt immediately after making your online donation.

Additionally, if you have friends, family or co-workers who you think would kindly make a donation towards this cause, please feel free to forward Tyler's donation page to them. We appreciate your thoughtfulness!

Your donation will help fight our nation’s No. 1 and No. 3 killers—heart disease and stroke. You are making a difference.
Thank you SO much!

  1. > 365 days ago!
  2. > New PICTURES!
  3. > Update - September 24th
  4. > Update after fundo and g-tube surgeries
  5. > Some brief updates