Family Updates

Big event happening in the morning . . .

Tyler is scheduled for his circumcision at 9:00am tomorrow (Monday, Oct. 20th).

You may remember that he was unable to have it performed when he was first born because of the unstableness of his heart.

It will be a very, very huge ordeal for him as far as the surgery itself. He'll be completely anesthesized and will be put on the ventilator for the surgery. The anethesiologist from the heart team nixed the idea of using conscious sedation with a local, because of the stress it would have undoubtedly put on his heart.

SO, if you've got some time tomorrow morning... please say a little prayer or send him a thought (or two) for a completely UNEVENTFUL operation and a sucessful, simple extubation after he's completely awake.

I am one nervous Mommy right now.

PS: In a day or two, I will update the blog about how well his first Feeding Clinic appointment went as well as last week's Cardiologist appointment.

  1. > Quote of the Week
  2. > Quote of the Week
  3. > Quote of the Week
  4. > Mickey Button Day! -- UPDATED
  5. > Quote of the Week