Family Updates

Another small step backward

Tyler is back on the ventilator now. Turns out he wants to put us through a rollercoaster!

We also got some bad news a few nights ago. When Tyler was intibated this week, one of his vocal chords was injured and is now paralyzed. We're still learning a lot about what this means, but basically, he won't be able to eat/drink through his mouth for quite a while - at least a year, anyway. That being said, he will have a feeding tube surgically inserted soon, so that he can begin to get nutrients. This was quite a brick for Mommy to be hit with, as she was very much looking forward to the day that she could finally nurse and bond with that beautiful baby boy. On the bright side, we're excited to see how he does when he begins taking nutrients through the tube, and Mommy has plenty of milk stored away to provide to that baby when the time comes! The other obstacle we may face is the high possibility of a trach being inserted to keep Tyler's airway open now that his vocal chord is causing some issues. Either way, we trust that God will take care of him through everything, and we continue to have strong faith.

The Breuer Family

  1. > Surgery Update #2
  2. > Surgery Day Updates
  4. > Tuesday Night Update - Happy!
  5. > Surgery Update