Family Updates

365 days ago!

One year ago today we embarked on a journey we'd only dreamt about!... Bringing home our little miracle child for the first time after spending 38 days at Children's Mercy Hospital! Weighing 8 lbs 10 oz. at birth, he came home weighing just under 7.5 pounds. One year later, he weighs 18 pounds and is the sparkle of our eyes!

There is so much to update about!

Tyler started officially crawling on September 12, 2008 and he loves it! Shhh... it's a secret, but so does Mommy! I never thought that (as a parent) I would look forward to the day when I could say, "My baby is mobile!" But, I did! Being able to watch him conquer milestone after milestone each month is such a sigh of relief and it means more than I can put into words. I am very blessed.

The teeth just keep popping thru. I've always said the only thing about parenting that I don't enjoy is teething. And that's the truth! But this lil' booger wakes up practically every week with another one skimming the gumline. Tooth total is now 5. Three on top and two on bottom. I give him another 3 days and the 4 tooth will emerge on top bringing the total to 6. Getting more teeth has really helped him in the eating department. He's doing much better and he's gaining confidence everyday. It's evaluated that he's eating and drinking at an 8-9 month old skill level. Not bad, but there's definately room for improvement!

His first Feeding Clinic appointment is Wednesday, Oct. 8th. Attending the appointment will be an OT who specialized in feeding issues, our Nutritionist, and a Psychologist. This will be the first of many visits, and we are excited to start feeding therapy.

His next cardiologist appointment is the following Wednesday, Oct. 15th. We'll have an echo and we'll better know how stable and well-functioning his heart is six month post-Glenn. Pray for a healthy echo and overall physical check.

I will post an update after those appointments to let everyone know how they went. Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers. We still feel them and we believe that you're getting thru to the Man upstairs!

  1. > Puke
  2. > Slow but steady
  3. > Scared to cough
  4. > Night Update -
  5. > 3 hrs off the ventilator-