You have all seen Children's Hospital, right? The doctors don't work on Saturdays, and this makes for numerous problems, as patients don't quit being patients on the weekends.
Childrens Hospital: The Complete Third Season on... by thewbdotcom
What's the worst excuse you have ever heard or been given for not doing something? Once, when I was cheer leading in tenth grade, we were supposed to have practice on a day that school was out. I told everyone that I had to go with another friend to get her braces taken off and that I wouldn't be able to make it. Worst. Excuse. Ever? I think so!
I want to hear your excuses! Also, want the third season of Children's Hospital on DVD? Check it out:
Season 3 HERE!
I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for 'Childrens Hospital.