This year we're adding to our Christmas decorations almost daily with handmade loveliness. Yarn and button trees surrounded by twinkle lights warm my heart, and make me oh so happy. The kids too. And even though he rolls his eyes, it makes Lucas happy too.
The kids and I are leaving on our first lengthy road trip tomorrow. 7 hours to dear, dear friends for a relatively last minute visit. I've done the drive, but the kids... well... lets just say I'd love it if you'd keep us all in your prayers! I have a feeling we'll be Jingle Bell'ing it via the Barenaked Ladies quite a few times {their Christmas CD really is the best!} and whipping out the Scrabble Cheeze-It's like there's no tomorrow!
It will be an adventure... one that we're all so excited for, and honestly, this is what life is about. Friends. Visiting. Togetherness. Not only during the holidays, but all year. But I'll take any excuse for a visit, even if it's delivering Christmas presents in person!