I'm lounging in bed this morning... my mind wanting to wake, my eyes unwilling.
He's been downstairs with the kids for over an hour, and I hear him climb up the stairs. He comes into bed, and with a grin he taps me on the shoulder and says "tag, you're it!" and so the kids follow and they jump on the bed and ask ten times in a row if we have any donuts and when can we go to the park and will you please get out of bed mommy? mommy? mommy?
And the day starts. The showers, the breakfasts, the laughter. The please focus on your shoes! Out the door, out the door, out the door. Paige. Out. The. Door.
Off to the park and I leave the three to go to the grocery store. I fill my cart with preschool lunches in mind, and I wonder how we got here. How we went from engorged with milk and nursing bras and sweet baby milk breath to lunchboxes and juice boxes and mommy how many sleeps until school?
On my way to unload the groceries at home, I blare Bruce Springsteen as he comes over the radio. Windows down, hair dancing in the wind, feeling a little wild even in the station wagon with a carseat and a booster seat in the back. I'll make a picnic in a moment and head back to the park where my three are playing in a stream... stealing minutes before the next... counting the ones past and wishing on the ones to come...

{totally unrelated to the post... but I've got a sale going on over at my shop... take 25% off your purchase with the code HOLIDAY25, through the end of today :)}