Family Updates

Beach cottages and friendships...

I've made some really truly amazing and fantastic friends through blogging.

And I've had some seriously incredible opportunities arise because of said friendships...

Like a friend inviting us to hang out on an island in Maine, that was pretty cool.

Like hanging out in New York City with friends that will be around for a lifetime...

... and eating huge brownie sundaes with people who don't judge :)

So with these past experiences in mind, I didn't even hesitate when Jo asked if I'd like to bring the kids up to a beach cottage in Maine for a few nights... sharing their vacation... . my answer was, and will always be, YES!

And it was so, so much fun.

First of all, the kids got along fabulously...

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The cottage was stunning...

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The kids... oh my word the kids were amazing (!!!) and sweet and good and funny and up for anything!

{not motorcycle riding... I swear... }

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While most of our time was spent on the beach {hello salty skin and tan lines!!} we ventured off twice, and had a blast. {I didn't take the camera to the beach, but I think Jo got some fantastic shots I hope she shares... :)}

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We are, after all, fun, artsy, blogging mamas. What kid wouldn't have fun with us??

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Both evenings, the kids were worn out. And that's even an understatement. But even when worn out, so cute!!

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Paige, not a vegetarian by any stretch of the imagination...

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Something almost magical happens when you put kindred spirits together, in Maine, by an ocean, with gorgeous weather and salt air. I can't describe what it is... it's just soulful.

I think the kids could even sense it.

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The trip was breathtaking. Even though Fynn got up at 4:50am for the day on Tuesday, and Paige is sporting a big fat lip from a tumble... {not on the rocks... but while doing handstands in the kitchen... } it was all good. Seriously.

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How could it possibly have gotten better? There was just no way. There was chocolate involved. And the sound of waves crashing on the beach to put us to sleep. And deep chats. And kids laughing. And sand castles built. And waves jumped. Nope. Couldn't have gotten better.

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Thank you Jo... for being so open and so wonderful and just... you.

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