It's Tuesday... and for the first time in a while I'm joining up with Amy over at Lucky Number 13 for some virtual coffee. Join in the fun!

If we were really having coffee today... .
I'd invite you over since I'm still in love with our new home, and I'm dying to show it off! {I'd also show you the cute coffee cozy I won in a giveaway over at Heather's... it's from Knitty Bitties and I just love it!}
{and I'd tell you that I'm probably the last person on earth with a smartphone who has become obsessed with a retro type camera phone app... so watch out... .}

And as you'd walk in, you'd probably notice some flowers... they were a surprise Valentine's gift from the hubby - in addition to the new front and rear brakes that are now on my car... I wasn't expecting anything and all, and honestly forgot about Valentine's Day. So Lucas got some major points yesterday!

If we were chatting over iced chai lattes {because it's sunny, and I need something that reminds me of summer!!} I'd tell you that I am so very thankful that we're all feeling relatively normal these days. The flu, or virus, or whatever it was, really knocked us all off our feet. But we're better {knock on wood} and are finally settling in and enjoying our days. You'd see the mess of a dining room table, as the kids opted for craft time instead of naptime this afternoon. Papers and glue and scissors are strewn all over the place.
Speaking of crafting...
I'd probably tell you that I'm *this close* to opening my Etsy shop. I just need to photograph all my items, write up descriptions, get a printer and stop at the office supply store... and we're good to go. I'm hoping it'll be up and running in a week or two. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time!
{below is a picture of some baby hats I've been working on... strawberries!!}

If you were over for a visit, Fynn would more than likely ask you to help him spell some words. He's so into letters and spelling and sounding out words, it's really fantastic. It's also given me the huge kick I needed to start calling around to try and select a preschool for him. The fall will come up quickly... . I'm nervous. Really really nervous. I know it's a lot of my stuff, seeing how I was homeschooled through 8th grade, I have no idea about preschools and gradeschools and I'm trying not to pass my nervousness off onto Fynn. But it's hard. I feel pulled in about ten directions when it comes to my kids education. I'm trying not to rule out anything, and to be open to whatever they need. But man this stuff is harder than I expected. And it's just preschool this year!!

I promise if you were over I would stop my incessant chatter and listen to how you've been. I'd ask if you're ready for spring, or if you're enjoying the chilly sunshine we've had today. If you're excited for the rumored thaw coming... if your kids are as stir crazy as mine!

And as we noticed the time, and we realized the afternoon is coming to an end rather quickly... I'd send you home with a piece of cake and the kids would probably each give you a drawing, and we'd hug and make plans for next time.
Until then... .