One of our January finalists, Spending Less Living More, was on the Ellen show last week! Wow! She has a heartwarming story, and she makes really cute things! I nabbed this tutorial from one she did for her nursery, and turned it into a Valentine's craft. I wanted something colorful to put in a shadow frame I have.

These could be used for a ton of things! Put one on top of a vase, hang them, there are endless possibilites.
The base of each is a foam ball. And you will need felt. Lots of felt. Oh, and a lot of straight pins. First, cut circles out of the felt, all as close to the same size as you can get. And then cut more circles.

Take each circle, and fold it in half twice, so that it looks like this:

Then pin the bottom corner onto the foam ball.

Do this again. And again. And again, until the entire ball is covered.

I chose to do one pink, one red, and one white. They fit perfectly into the shadow frame!

Felt: $2.00
Straight Pins: $0.50
Foam Balls: $1.00
Total Cost: $3.50