It's snowing this morning... big fluffy flakes that hurry towards the ground. Attaching to tops of garbage pails and recycling bins. Tree branches and car windows.
If we were outside...

Yesterday a friend from long ago came for lunch and played with the kids and stayed for the afternoon. It was so good for my heart. We knew each other in high school. I think we were on the literary magazine together for a period of time. We were confidants. And when he came out I think I remember saying I know. And be you. Or maybe that's what I hope I said. It was the beginning of my college years, and I don't remember. The mind makes fuzzy the words we question were the right ones.
The kids warmed up to him and next thing we knew we were outside jumping in mud puddles and playing in melty snow.
It had been ten years. A few years of lost contact, and two of "we'll have to get together!" and then finally an invitation for homemade cookies and lunch with rowdy kids who miss naps and run around half naked and ask to sit next to a new friend at lunch. I forgot how much I treasured our friendship.

This weekend I'm making plans for a date with my Fynn. I feel like sometimes he gets lost in the shuffle of daily craziness with Paige. She's... a handful. A lovely and wonderful handful. But sometimes she requires more attention than he does, and I miss him. He's been sneaking into our bed after we say goodnight. I climb under my covers a few hours later and find him warming my spot for me. This morning we woke up and snuggled and I asked him if we could go on a date. And he beamed. It's been a while...

We'll go outside when the snow slows, and shovel a path for Lucas to come home tonight. We'll catch snowflakes on eye lashes and trace over the puddles we played in yesterday. And the weekend will come...