I put quite a few miles on the vehicle this past week. We went to the opposite side of our state, dipped over to Texas, swooped through Louisiana, back to Texas, and home again. During my travels, a gained a new skill. I made a comment or two a while back that I wished I could knit. My mother in law tucked those comments in the back of her mind and made a great gift out of them. One of her gifts to me was a knitting bag, complete with circular needles, a book full of great info and patterns, a counter, and some beautiful chunky thread. As I opened it, wondering how I would ever teach myself, she explained that part of the gift was that her sister was going to teach me! So I spent a day with my husband's Aunt Joan (I have an Aunt Joan too!) and she patiently taught me how to get started knitting. Here is a picture of her with the Mr.
Yes, she is as sweet as she looks! The entire trip home, I steadily worked on my first project, a scarf with no end. I made a few mistakes here and there, but kept persevering. Last night, after unpacking, I started at it again. A few more mistakes later, I thought that I had plenty of practice and would start fresh to try and make one with no errors. I cut the project short, and found that the scarf fit perfectly....on Macy! So I put it around her neck and asked her to strike a pose.

Surprisingly, she seemed to enjoy it, and wore her new accessory around all evening. She even stopped to pose by the knitting bag and yarn.

Not only does she love her new scarf, but she has an unusual fascination with my circular needles. This could be a problem, especially if she starts showing interest in the yarn!

Dear "new" Aunt Joan,
Thank you for your knitting lesson, I cannot put a price tag on that. I will forever be a knitter!
Dear other Aunt Joan,
You have not been replaced, I love you both!