... it's Tuesday... ... click below for details on Amy's Virtual Coffee, and to participate!

If we were meeting for coffee today...
I'd have a steaming hot chai and a something chocolaty from the pastry display...

And then I'd start off by telling you that I'm freaking exhausted. And punchy. So watch out. I got somewhere between three and four hours of sleep last night. Then the kids and I headed up to their grandparents for the day. Which was so much fun! It was a beautiful fall day, full of red and orange leaves and piles and piles of them for the kids to jump in and toss around. But the driving this afternoon put me over the edge.
So excuse my scatter brain and how I have hit the point where I crack myself up...

If we were sitting, having coffee or tea or whatever you like, I'd tell you that every now and then I go through a week or so with insomnia. It comes out of no where and it makes me crazy. Because, you know, I have kids. And I'm a stay at home mom. And I'm not sitting around eating bon bons {wouldn't that be lovely???} And I have to, you know, be somewhat "on" when my kids are around. Which is ALL.THE.TIME. And have I told you that both of them never stop talking? Ever? Constantly?
And while that's incredible and good and amazing {especially considering at one point we thought Fynn would never talk... } but my brain. My poor brain can only handle so much. You know?

That would lead into my exciting tid bit for the week... Lucas and I are going to have our first kid free overnight - TOGETHER - in a year! That's right. Someone else will be taking care of our kids AT NIGHT! We are thrilled.
{You'd probably be able to tell, as I'd be nearly screaming this last bit out of sheer joy. Heads would turn in the coffee shop, and then I'd tell all the onlookers JUST HOW EXCITED! we are!}
Do you want to know what we'll be doing on said Saturday and Saturday night by ourselves?
Steam cleaning the living room carpet.
And then we'll be going to a wedding.
And then we'll go wherever the night takes us... wink wink ;)
{kidding, kidding... maybe... oy... cracking myself up... }
Anyway. We're excited. And very, very, thankful for Lucas's parents who offered to watch the kids overnight {even after I told them how Paige doesn't sleep. Like, at all. They must really love the kids or something... }

If we were sitting together today, I'd ask you how you REALLY are. Because I really want to know. Really.
So how are YOU?

And by the time you shared, and I listened, and we laughed and sighed and whatnot, it'd be time to call it a day and go back to our perspective homes and lives and whatnot.
It'd be good to see you, as always...
... until next week...
p.s. I'm getting a little concerned as the weeks progress with Virtual Coffee... I'm not so good with the roman numerals... I just thought they'd look cool. Didn't think I'd have to go googeling to figure out what the roman numeral for 8 was... :)