Family Updates

Sept 29, 2010 066

Today is my birthday.

Twenty nine.

Last year, I wrote about things I believed.

I still believe in every one of the things I listed.

What's more is I think I was flirting with my belief of a few things, putting them out there into this space to see what would happen. I might have known that I wanted to believe in them.

But now I fully believe.

I fully believe in myself

I fully believe in a gracious and loving God

I fully believe in finding happiness within yourself

I fully believe in prayer

And to add to my list...

29. I believe in my sobriety

I couldn't even speak, let alone type the word alcoholic at this time last year. Now I embrace and honor my sobriety. Fully.

This is going to be a good year. It might have started off a bit rocky today {think two sick kids, one in possession of his first inhaler, a visit to the pediatrician's office, the pharmacy, a 20 minute car nap to get us through the entire day... } but even with that it's still a good day. The beginning of a good year.

I was showered with gifts of chocolate and notebooks and pens and homemade cards this morning. Gifts from friends in the mail. Messages of love and warmth and happy birthday wishes came through emails and Twitter and Facebook and text messages and phone calls. I feel loved. I am loved. It is a good day.

This year my daily mantra is "... and she lived the life she loved... " I am living the life I love. Every day. The tears and the struggles and the tantrums and the snotty noses. The hugs and the smiles and cupcakes and lazy mornings and late nights and lingering kisses.

It's a good day.

**the bracelet I'm wearing in the photo was made by Stacey from Star Hitched Wagon, and it is one of my favorite pieces of jewelry. I splurged on it earlier this summer, a little gift for myself. The stones represent in some way: myself and Lucas (our birthdays are both in October, so we have the same rose quartz stone), Fynn, Paige, and creativity. The sand dollar is self explanatory, my love and connection with the beach and ocean. Sometimes I need the physical reminder, the weight of my loves on my wrist to bring me back to the moment... **

  1. > Improvement, little by little
  2. > Dressing change
  3. > Xray results
  4. > Still puking a lot
  5. > Just got moved to the floor