1. If you're viewing in a reader, pop over to see my lovely new design created by Jessica of The Frilly Coconut! She is by far the most patient woman I know... she was so wonderful to work with, helping me realize what I wanted in a blog design and even when I changed my mind halfway through... she was enthusiastic and so helpful with the entire process. {plus, her prices are out of this world... so check her out if you're in the market for a new blog design!}
As a side note... some have asked why I didn't want a photo in the header. I'm a wee bit obsessive compulsive... and when there's a photo up I feel the need to keep it current. Instead of having it on my mind to change every month or so, I wanted a more permanent look. I think it turned out really well :)

2. We made it to Florida!! I won't go into too much detail, but I will say that Paige is not a fan of flying. So much so that midway into our flight, as both of my children were screaming and Paige kept saying "all done!!! all done!!! out!! out!!" I considered renting a car for our trip back. But that's not all that great of an option either... so we'll just pray for a better return flight!

3. My kids are definitely New Englanders... they almost don't know what to do with all this heat! Apparently Florida has hit their "summer weather" so that means it's hot hot hot and humid humid humid. It makes for some great beach weather, but even the alligators aren't coming out to sun themselves when there's no breeze...

4. I left my third baby at home... my camera. There just wasn't enough room for it in my carry on {between, you know... the two kid backpacks, snacks for an army and extra diapers and clothes... priorities!!} and I feel a little lost without it. Thankfully my mom is picking up my slack and taking some really fun and wonderful photos :)

5. I love being here. I love having my parents around to help with the kids, to catch up face to face, to hug and be fed and not have to cook or clean... it's heaven! It's different without Lucas here {and I can't even put into words how much we miss him} but we're surviving :) and loving almost every minute of it!

6. What I love the most about this trip is realizing that even with the distance, my kids know and love my parents, and vice versa. That's hard to remember sometimes with the thousands of miles between us... and it's on my mind and worries me... but from the minute we got here they made themselves at home with hugs and cuddles and stories. Grandparent and grandchild love is so special. I'm so thankful that the kids have two sets of incredible grandparents.

7. Tomorrow we're heading across the state to visit with Dawn :) I love that no matter where we go, there's a blogging friend to be met with! There's something to be said for the community that we create for ourselves and others online, and how special it is when those bonds transfer to "real life".
On that note... I'm going to get off the computer and get back to vacation :) But I just had to share and gush about the new design, and about our trip so far. Hope everyone is having a fantastic week!