I'm not going to lie. I totally have lust in my heart. For that guy up there. That handsome hunk of a man I married.
In my humble opinion, you need a little bit of lust mixed in with love for a happy marriage. Or at least, in mine.
No, I don't always feel lusty towards him... but occasionally... I still get weak in the knees, and feel butterflies and warmth in places I probably shouldn't mention online ;) And it's not every day, or over grandiose gestures or huge amounts of money spent. Or even after a day spent together in the buff (though I'm sure that would help, but come on... I can't even remember the last time we did something like that... darn those beautiful children ;) )
But it's in the small things. The things that make me adore him even more, those little things bring out that bit of lust that makes things a little exciting. A little salty along with the sweet.
I feel it when he cleans. Anything. {which he does often... but it still gets me every time}
I feel it when he runs around our little apartment being chased by children, laughing as hard as they are
I feel it when he sends a text during the day, with some random bit of info that shows he's thinking of me
I feel it when he takes the kids for a walk at the end of a long crazy day so I can be alone
I feel it when he gives those hugs that last a second longer than I expect
I feel it when we're laughing at Paige jumping off the sofa for the tenth time in a row
I feel it when he fills a kitchen cabinet with chocolate, unprompted
I feel it when he tells me he's proud of me, that he likes something I've written or is amazed by something I've done {in a good way... }
And I even feel it when he tells me he's been checking my blog all day to see if I've posted my Lust post, while giving me that look. Because he listened when I talked about this whole Five for Ten bit, and he listens when I talk about blogging, and he knows of other bloggers I mention by name, and he remembers.
{and yes, dear, I have finally come up with a post for Lust, I hope you're blushing and will now stop bugging me about it!! :)}
Really, it's love that I'm feeling when he does all of the above.
But those little things also turn me into a big lusty pile of mush.
I'm not going to lie, I kind of like it.