I am so thankful to end this week by joining Maegan at Madeline Bea: Life Set to Words and her Realities & Blessings post. What a peaceful way to start the weekend!

{Reality} My beloved books are all still in boxes... today I spent at least an hour trying to find one book!
{Blessing} Every time I search for a book, I end up finding old treasures. Today? Two journals {that thankfully didn't get purged at one point along with years worth of diaries... have I not posted about that yet? Yes, I did that once... and I deeply regret it} the first journal was one with only a few weeks of entries, but they were from the few weeks leading up to Fynn's birth. Reading through the entries gave me chills, remembering how sweet the moments were when it was just me and my belly full of baby at home waiting. Anticipating. Amazing.
The other was a notebook I had started early in our marriage. It was filled with inspiration for decorating, pictures cut and pasted from magazines like Better Homes and Gardens. I flipped through and found the photo above, and realized that is the picture I've had in the back of my head when I picture my dream home. The bathtub is the most important feature in a home, after all...
I'm so thankful for those reminders of things that inspired me once, and still. And for the glimpse back to those very telling days before my water broke, a baby was born, and our world changed.

{Reality} Paige was a little grumpy last night and today thanks to her 20 month well visit, and her two shots.
{Blessing} The visit went very well. She's right on track {which we knew... } in terms of everything. Her speech, her eating, her tantrums and behavior. The blessing was actually realizing that Paige is 20 months. In my head she's still a baby. But in reality, she's nearly two {and you can imagine the panic I felt when making her two year appointment!!} The crazy part is knowing when Fynn was this age, I was 8 months pregnant with Paige. He seemed so much older, because he was going to be a big brother. So this realizing that Paige is 20 months is a blessing, a wake up call to the fact that she is, indeed, growing up...
{Reality} Today was rainy. Yucky. Gross. We stayed home all day and did countless loads of laundry and watched way too much PBS.
{Blessing} We've been going and going so much recently because of the beautiful weather, this rainy day was a welcomed chance to sit at home and be together, wearing yoga pants and pj's all day. We love to be outside, but welcome an excuse to be homebodies on occasion!

{Reality} Recently my children have been under my feet. All. The. Time. It doesn't matter if we're outside or home in the kitchen. I'm always stepping on someone, we're bumping on each other, I'm being climbed on...
{Blessing} My children want to be near me. Whether it's building train tracks in the kitchen as I make dinner, or needing a piggy back ride while I'm vacuuming, they want to be near. It won't always be like that, so I'll take the sweetness where I can.
Happy Weekend :)