Family Updates

Layers of Youth

He's covered in layers
at three, an old soul

March 6, 2010 098

full of compassion and understanding
curiosity and wonder

March 6, 2010 100

with every step he takes
every experience that unravels before him
a layer is left at his feet

March 6, 2010 106

he's more like an artichoke than an onion
each layer reveals a bit more of a heart

March 6, 2010 111

leaving those in his presence
with smiles rather than the sting of acidic tears

I'm playing along with Elizabeth at Boy Crazy [finding clarity in the chaos] and her first round of Snippets. She gives us a snippet of a story, and those up to the challenge run with the words, the inspiration. Head over her way to read what it's all about, and to find out how to play along!

The Snippet this week:

Onion/Artichoke by Elizabeth @

He was more like an onion than an artichoke.
Even when you peeled back all the layers, there was no heart inside.
And he always made her cry.

{or alternatively... }

He was more like an artichoke than an onion.
When you peeled back all the layers, his heart was there inside.
And he never made her cry.