8:17am Husband leaves for work. Children yell "bye! bye! bye Daaaaaaa Deeeeee!!" for ten minutes after he's out the door.
8:20am I hear "where'd Daddy go?" ten times in a row. I answer "to work" ten times in a row. Get asked again, answer "Constantinople". Fynn seems more satisfied with that answer.
9am hair drying, screaming children
9:25am Paige is laying on the floor crying, ask Fynn if he hit his sister. His response, with hand in the air - finger pointing as if correcting me... "I not hit my sister, I pushed my sister!"
9:45'ish welcome a phone call from my mama... everyone wants to talk to Grammy.
10:30am reunited with the concept of an early lunch.
11am remind Fynn that he has his special Wall-E underwear on, and he wouldn't want to pee in them... might have to get ten more of those in order to remain accident free...
11:30am lay down with the kids for naptime, in mommy's bed. Everyone kisses and hugs, cover with blankets. Wrestling down Paige, snuggling both, am thankful that Fynn is back to needing a nap.
1:00pm naptime ended way too soon, and badly. Screams for no reason from Paige, cries because of the screams from Fynn. Close my eyes, and breathe in the lingering smell of husband from his pillow.
1:10pm everything is made better by sharing chocolate monies, as Fynn calls them. We all have chocolate breath and hands, smiling and giggling over the huge amount of chocolate coins consumed.
2:00pm ask Fynn not to step on books, put books on table. Paige grins from ear to ear, grabs a book, puts it on the floor, and stomps. Oy.
2:30pm realize Paige and I make a decent fort building team (blocks made from empty boxes of wine covered in contact paper, courtesy of my classy little brother =) )
3:30pm prepare dinner, with children underfoot.
4:00pm Fynn tells me he's hungry, then he pops up out of no where saying I'm eating Doc Hudson. Lovely!
4:15pm start to watch Wall-E with kids, to see why they love it {I've never watched it all the way through, still haven't... }
4:30pm yogurt time. Followed by bath time. Followed by children running around naked time.
5pm dinner in the oven, more Wall-E. Waiting patiently for hubby to get home.
5:10pm while I find a few minutes to read a daily devotional, children decide to try to fold my hamper of clean laundry. Piles and piles of clothes strewn across my bedroom, but smiles of pride as they point to their hard work.
6:07pm husband arrives. Daaaaaa Deeeee!!! Sighs of relief. Hugs, dinner, and playtime.
7:10pm story time... BED TIME!!! Turn on computer, put pj's on, put feet up, and time to relax... ...
... that was a day in the life of this mama...