Family Updates

Weeping Willow

We drive by it every time we go to my husband's parents house. Which is quite often.

It's soft, and majestic, and humble, and beautiful.

Much like my husband.

It's his favorite tree.

The weeping willow.

Full of sadness and hope at the same time.

In the middle of our two hour ride, we always stop and take a moment to revel in the trees beauty.

And I always say "if only a house nearby was for sale... ."

But really, it wouldn't be the same.

A landmark.

A beautiful reminder in the midst of a long journey that we're there for the simple reason of being who we are.

We should love that journey.

It's a reminder of family. And happiness. And wealth.

Wealth by way of how much we have in our lives.

Hardly monetary.

But spiritually.

And how much family plays into it all.

It's really all we have.

We each have a favorite tree.

His is also one of my favorites.

It's how I knew.

His tree was beautiful, pointed out on the first journey we made as a couple.

Anyone who has a favorite tree... is worth noting.

Worth knowing.

Worth loving.

In my case, worth marrying.