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Unwrapping yummy goodness

Growing up I have very fond memories of food. I love food. And anything sweet. Preferably chocolate. Sometimes I honestly forget that I can stop and take a moment to enjoy the food I'm shoving putting in my mouth.

The other morning we were playing outside in the chilly autumn air. Fynn was coaxed inside by promises of hot chocolate. Something he'd never had before. He had no idea what it was, except that it had something to do with chocolate, so it had to be good. He is, after all, my son.

We came in, got Paige settled with a snack, and made our warm delicious treat. He waited patiently, eying the small coffee cup that was on the counter curiously. "Like Daddy's?" Yes, like Daddy's. "Like Daddy's Coffee?" No, not quite. Better.

When it cooled, I showed him how to hold the cup, and bring it up to his mouth. The handle had thrown him off.

He took his time deciding if it was good or not. Ultimately, it was all kinds of good. And he loved it. Savored it, with a big grin and joyful sounds that only a child can make.

We spent a few moments enjoying our hot chocolate. Me, remembering all the cool autumn mornings comforted by some warm chocolaty goodness, him making mental notes that this was something to request time and time again. We weren't gulping, but sipping. Savoring it. Savoring the moment.

Oct 2, 2009 042


Please visit Emily at Chatting at the Sky for more Tuesday's Unwrapped. You'll find simple moments and simple mysteries unwrapped in every day life. Enjoy!