Family Updates


Alright folks. I have something very important to say.

Sometimes I don't catch my spelling/grammatical errors unless spellcheck does.

I'm sorry. I reread my posts a million times, so eventually I catch the mistakes, but sometimes... . it takes even a day or two.

I read with a very critical eye, so this is one of the most embarrassing disclaimers I will ever make. But it happens to the best of us. I'm going to lay it all down on the line, I edited the You Capture - Red post five times after it was published. The last being five minute (or so) ago.

It happens. I like to think it makes me authentic... but really, sometimes the constant questions from my two year old and the shoving books in my face to read by my one year old (although, I have to laugh at this one, it's perfect for a budding writer. But that title is a whole post for another day) make it hard to concentrate on proofreading.

Anyway. I'm not perfect. And my posts aren't perfect. But I love them. I hope a few of you do too.