As I walked through the field with my children, I knew what I was looking for. We meandered, but I gently nudged us in a certain direction. I was looking for a simple white elegant flower that grows like weeds, but holds her head high with hope. Hope to have her beauty seen. Queen Ann's Lace.
Seeing even one flower makes me throw my head back, close my eyes and smile at the sun.
The small tender flowers remind me of childhood. Of pressing flowers between books, laminating bookmarks on now yellowed paper, preserving memories of a time when all I had was wonder and hope.
I could look at the flowers every day for an entire season, and I'd still throw my head back. They're a gift, a simple lovely gift that makes me smile every time. Hope and wonder embodied in an Indian summer's snowflake.
Please visit Emily at Chatting at the Sky for more Tuesday's Unwrapped. You'll find simple moments and simple mysteries unwrapped in every day life. Enjoy!