Fynn and I are at a very important crossroads.
He's ready to give up his nap.
Unfortunately, I suffer deal with chronic migraines. Meaning, I'm not ready for him to give up his nap.
But, if the child naps (no matter how fatigued or not he is) for more than five minutes, he goes to sleep at an ungodly hour at night. Like even 10 or 11pm. For my sanity, and for my marriage, I think we need to get rid of naptime.
The problem is, I still need there to be quiet time while Paige naps. For my head, seriously. But Fynn has other plans. If he's awake, he's awake, and wanting to play and do all the things that a two - almost three - year old likes to do. The time is minimal, since Paige doesn't really like to nap either... but some days there's at least an hour where she's peaceful in her crib.
So, I need help. How do you institute a quiet time? Or what do you do while one child naps and the other is awake, to preserve your sanity? I know others out there have done it. Do I lock put him in my bedroom since the kids share a room and expect him to destroy my room and bounce on the bed read stories quietly to himself? Do I suck it up and really not have any quiet time during the day? Is there a happy medium? Will I ever be able to sit quietly again???
While I wait for answers, I'll sit here in mourning for Fynn's naptime... it was wonderful while it lasted!